My ethics code
Ethics are the basis for each and every one of our decisions. Determining what is right and wrong can be different for each person. However, as a communicator, one must consider what is ethical, not in your personal preference, but for the good of your audience. I have created my own ethical code to abide by in all of my communication efforts throughout my career, which I hope will work hand-in-hand with company missions.
An opinion is an incredibly valuable thing in the right context, but as a professional communicator, it is often our job to adhere to a strictly unbiased, factual approach in our writing, depending on the requirements of the position. Remaining objective in journalistic positions is an important ethical key that I will abide by, where applicable.
Minimizing harm
As many ethical codes would agree, the minimization of harm is an important part of presenting facts. If there is a way to prevent harm while upholding the duties of reporting the truth to consumers, that way should be chosen. I hold this belief both in professional and person endeavors.
In communications positions, there is often a high level of involvement in ones community or beat. In order to hold a trusted presence and serve as a representative of your company and your reputation, it is incredibly important to maintain a proper degree of professionalism.